Sunday, March 7, 2010

My mom turned 36, I made pancakes, we went for a swim and found something big and dead.

It was my mom's 36th birthday. She was single again. I don't know where my siblings were. She went out with her friends. Our house was decorated in white Christmas lights and they were the only lights on besides all the candles that were lit. There were a lot of drunk people and I went to bed. My mom came home and the next morning I made pancakes. I needed more pancake mix, but when I went to get it, it was gone. I went through every single cabinet in the kitchen looking for it. My mom decided to skip breakfast and to go for a swim. We lived on a river. I gave up on my search for the pancake mix and decided to go meet her in the water. I found her with someone else and they were both floating by something near some trees in the water. I swam up to them and it looked like a giant, dead, dinosaur that they were looking at. My mom told me to go home and the water sucked me under. Then I woke up.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Come on Alex, you can do it.

Last night I dreamt that I was walking down a street in a big city (no idea where I was). I walked into a park and there was a little black kitten in my purse. It was mine and I was smoking a cigarette. She kept poking her head out of my bag and Anthony walked up to me. It was like we were strangers. He was wearing a suit and he asked me what my name was. Then my cat poked her head out of my bag and meowed really loud. He asked me what that was. I pulled her out of my bad and I said "This is Laika". She meowed again and Anthony scratched her head.

That was the end of my dream. But I woke up wanting to listen to Arcade Fire and I think that this dream is a sign that I shouldn't name the black cat I've always wanted "Nico". I'm going to name it "Laika".

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Eric Forman and the endless blankets

This is a dream I had the night before yesterday night. It was just too funny to not post.

I was in a movie theatre covered in blankets. I couldn't see or smell anything. It was like I was being smothered, but I could breathe. I fell asleep and when I woke up I was still covered with the millions of blankets. I couldn't find my way out and after minutes of struggling I finally fell out of the chair to find myself alone in the theatre. The pile of blankets was gone. 
Then I was at my friend Vanessa's house. It was a party and Eric Forman from That 70s Show was my boyfriend.

This was one of my more daily-life related dreams. I had just come from my friend Vanessa's house and I'd had a very productive day of marathoning That 70s Show.

A two part dream concerning Alkaline Trio and dolphins

I had this dream yesterday night, so the details aren't as clear as they were but I'll try to remember as much as I can.

Pt. 1
Anthony and I were at my house and we left to go see Alkaline Trio. I'm pretty sure that it was the 90s. It was dark outside. For some reason I'm under the impression that it was around nine p.m. We were the first people in line outside the music farm. When we got inside, it was a lot smaller than it is in real life and Anthony and I walked over to the stage and there was no barrier. I looked at him and said:
"This is exactly where I was last time."
To which he replied, "Really?"
"Well, I think we're supposed to be here."

Then Alkaline Trio went onstage. They weren't as good as they are now and they were much younger...which contributes to my belief that this was the 90s. They only played about ten songs. I don't remember all of them, but one of them was Sadie. When they were finished, Matt said: "Thanks for coming and listening to our music." Or something like that.
Anthony and I were pretty pissed. We had a back and forth conversation that mostly consisted of "What should we do now?" and "I don't know." This went on until we decided that having car-sex was a better way to spend the night.

Pt. 2
I loved dolphins. Me and a team of deep sea divers had these bags of fish that we gave to all the dolphins. We swam across the entire Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic was like a giant, deep pool. The bottom was covered in white sand. The water was a dark blue color, it was clear, and it wasn't salty. There were no plants or other animals in the ocean except random packs of dolphins.
So after I got to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, I was on trial for murder. But I had to go help the dolphins. I dressed someone up like me and made them go to court, and I went back to the ocean to go help the dolphins. Yeah.

This last dream reminded me of a dream I had where I was sitting in an inner tube and I was floating on the ocean because I planned to drift all the way to California. I washed up on the shore and the whole ordeal only took a day.